Monday, June 30, 2008

Kamagra - An Effective Answer to Your ED

ED or Erectile Dysfunction is quite common with men, which had led chemists and druggists to come up with various medical remedies to it. The good news is that this sexual dysfunction or impotence is curable. Of all medication available in the stores today, Kamagra has made a distinctive mark as an effective answer to the treatment of ED.

Kamagra or Sildenafil Citrate (its generic name) is one of its kind, being the first significant oral medication for ED, which is widely popular now. It is same as the 100mg Viagra. Only the color is different. It is found in two forms—tablet and jelly. The interesting trivia surrounding Kamagra is that it was originally prepared to improve blood flow into the heart and soothe cardiovascular problems. But it proved more effective in boosting sexual abilities and the erection of the penis. Thereafter, Kamagra was approved by FDD and it gripped the market as a surefire remedy for ED.

It’s meant for oral ingestion and is manufactured in pills of 25mg, 50mg and 100mg. It is recommended that you should take this medicine in an empty stomach about an hour before intercourse. In full stomach, the efficiency is considerably reduced. This tablet is absorbed into your blood approximately 30 to 60 minutes after the intake and start acting on your system by inhibiting the enzyme PDE5 (phosphodiesterase type) found in penis. This enzyme is the main deterrent for proper erection as it restricts the relaxation of the penis muscles. Kamagra, when fully absorbed, inhibits PDE5 and thereby relaxes the muscles to allow healthy erection. But you need not worry if you don’t indulge in any sexual activity after its consumption. It will be automatically eliminated out of your body.

Like all pills, even this has its side effects; but with Kamagra, the fallouts are mild and short-lived. Congestion, diarrhea, headaches, urinary tract infections, facial flushing, etc. are some of its side effects. However, the effectiveness of this oral medicine Kamagra has been tested over the years and across all age groups. Kamagra-treated patients have shown 80% improvement in terms of erection, penetration and maintaining the erection over a longer period of time.

However, it is important to remember that Kamagra should not be consumed just because you haven’t had an intercourse for a long time. In such a case, it is always advised to consult a medical practitioner. Also, Kamagra is not provided without a prescription and even if you have ordered it online, your medical profile is reviewed before the delivery.

At the end of it, you should never self-medicate yourself to Kamagra. Your medical history needs to be evaluated before recommending it because it is fatal to individuals who are under any other medication containing nitrates. So be on your guard and proceed only after you get a green signal from the doctor. With that ensured, the rewards are far-reaching.

You can buy Kamagra here


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